
Showing posts from June, 2023

Synonyms and Atonyms

                                LEARNING OBJECTIVES Recognise how synonyms improve writing. Identify common antonyms to increase your vocabulary.             What are antonyms?  Antonyms are words that are opposite in meaning another word. EG: Good- bad, Blunt- keen and callous - tender. Word Antonym    Word Antonym absence presence frequent seldom accept refuse harmful harmless accurate inaccurate horizontal vertical advantage disadvantage imitation genuine ancient modern inhabited uninhabited abundant scarce inferior superior artificial natural intentional accidental attractive repulsive justice injustice borrow lend knowledge ignorance bravery cowardice landlord tenant create destroy, demolish likely unlikely bold timid, meek minority majority capable incapable miser spendthrift combine separate obedient disobedient conceal reveal optimist pessimist common...